
Welcome to Ayagina’ar Elitnaurvik! We are located in the village of Kongiganak, home to approximately 700 people. Our culturally rich, close knit community maintains the Yup’ik values and traditions that have been passed down for thousands of years. Subsistence activities like hunting, fishing, and berry picking are still an important part of village life. Values like hard work, cooperation, and respect for our elders help shape our community. 

Our school is comprised of 170 students, 11 teachers, and dozens of dedicated staff members. We are a technologically advanced school; each classroom is equipped with a smartboard and each student is assigned an iPad or laptop for the school year. While Ayagina’ar Elitnaurvik strives to be forward thinking, we are also committed to maintaining and preserving our unique culture. Our dual language program from Kindergarten through 6th grade serves to keep the Yugtun language alive for the next generations, and Yup’ik values and customs are highlighted at every level. Above all, we aim to provide an academically rigorous curriculum and a culture of excellence that challenges and inspires students to learn and grow each and every day. 


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Our Mission Statement

Elitnaurvigput ciunerkiurumauq elisngarivsiallerkamta tungiinun, wangkutnek qigciksaurtellerkammtenun, takumcukillerkamtenek, taringumallerkait-llu ilamta. Yuuyararput angniutekciqerput elitarkauluku-llu nutemllarkun pingnatugyaraq.

Our school’s mission is to expand our horizons, develop a respect for who we are, and have a sense of compassion and understanding for others. We will celebrate our Yup’ik culture and learn the life skills needed to succeed in our chosen path.

*Created by the residents of Kongiganak and translated by the High School Yuuyaraq Class of 2009-2010



Teresa de la Cruz

Principal Teresa De La Cruz

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