Ayagina'ar Elitnaurvik is located in Kongignak, Alaska, on the coast of the Bering Sea. The student population is 174 and the grades offered are Pre-School - 12th grade, all in the same building. Our elementary program is a part of the Dual Language program with the district. Students learn to strengthen not only their Yup'ik language skills, but also their English.
Photo Credit: Isaiah Nicholas (10th Grade)
Students in grades 6-12 participate in a number of sports, including:
* Cross Country
* NYO (Native Youth Olympics) * JH/HS - Boys/Girls Basketball
The school is named after the oldest man in the village, John 'Ayagina'ar' Phillip, Sr. He was also one of the first teachers in Kong, and helped start the first school in the village.
Once in JH/HS, our students are encouraged to participate in programs like ANSEP (Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program), Speech, Excell Programs, Robotics, Art Fair, iDida Contest, Ready Academy, and other camps/programs offered by the district.
We always encourage our students to follow their passions and try to expose them to as many opportunities as we can.
Photo Credit: Cody Nicolai (11th grade)